Yesterday we had another doctor’s visit. Whew! It was a long one! Almost five hours long!
Of course, a good chunk of it was paperwork. Would it be a real doctor’s appointment without it? :)
Our new sonogram showed us that we may be raising a family of gymnasts. Baby A spent the entire sonogram jumping straight up and down. Baby B was standing on his head (I don’t know why, but I kept seeing Calvin and Hobbes cartoons in my head while looking at that little guy). Baby C was the calmest of the bunch, and Baby D was rolling over. All the tech could say was, “looks like a rambunctious bunch of kids you’ve got there.” I’m going to feel like a living trampoline when I can actually start feeling them move around!
We met with a second doctor in the practice as well. Because of the nature of our pregnancy, I am a patient of the practice, not of a specific doctor. So far, we are very impressed with the level of care and concern these doctors have for us. The good news is that the doctor said that I have a best case scenario going on with quads: everybody has their own sack and everybody has their own placenta. He was very clear that this is still a very high risk pregnancy, but that the way everything is growing eliminates a few problems that comes when babies share sacks and placentas. Praise God for that! He also went over all of the statistics on chances of stillbirth and deformities. I held it together, but it was rough. I don’t like hearing things like that, but know those are simply the facts and our God is greater than statistics. His goal is to get us to 35 or 36 weeks. The last doctors said 31 to 32. So armed with that information, I’m just aiming for as long as possible. :) The doctor did say that there is nothing we can do to prevent problems or actively extended the gestation period. All they can do is monitor us closely and respond as quickly as possible if something goes south. With that being said, they can’t predict exactly when I will go on bed rest as there is no need to put me there unless a reason comes up that makes it necessary. He did say that typically, things start to get a little rough between weeks 21-24.
They decided to do an early screening for gestational diabetes while I was there. The combination of family history and higher risk for gestational diabetes made it seem like a prudent choice. The orange glucose drink wasn’t nearly as bad going down as I thought it would be, but the hour after wasn’t too fun. Neither was the rest of the evening. I managed to keep it all down so that they could draw my blood, but it definitely made the rest of the afternoon and evening a little hazy.
The nurse practitioner we met was great as well! She came to check on us while we were waiting for the glucose drink to do its thing. She spent six years as a NICU nurse before going back to school to become a nurse practitioner. She told me I would be able to hold our babies sooner than I thought we would (I thought it would be a month or two before I could hold them). She also said that she would make sure that we had a chance to see the NICU and meet a high-risk pediatrician before the babies arrive. Comforting!
Our next appointment is in about three weeks or so and not long after that, we will start seeing the doctors much more frequently. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers!
PS. I know we are just about at 11 weeks, but my 10 week baby bump picture is below for those of you who would like to see me start inflating. :D

--posted by Rebecca
Yesterday we had another doctor’s visit. Whew! It was a long one! Almost five hours long!
Of course, a good chunk of it was paperwork. Would it be a real doctor’s appointment without it? :)
Our new sonogram showed us that we may be raising a family of gymnasts. Baby A spent the entire sonogram jumping straight up and down. Baby B was standing on his head (I don’t know why, but I kept seeing Calvin and Hobbes cartoons in my head while looking at that little guy). Baby C was the calmest of the bunch, and Baby D was rolling over. All the tech could say was, “looks like a rambunctious bunch of kids you’ve got there.” I’m going to feel like a living trampoline when I can actually start feeling them move around!
We met with a second doctor in the practice as well. Because of the nature of our pregnancy, I am a patient of the practice, not of a specific doctor. So far, we are very impressed with the level of care and concern these doctors have for us. The good news is that the doctor said that I have a best case scenario going on with quads: everybody has their own sack and everybody has their own placenta. He was very clear that this is still a very high risk pregnancy, but that the way everything is growing eliminates a few problems that comes when babies share sacks and placentas. Praise God for that! He also went over all of the statistics on chances of stillbirth and deformities. I held it together, but it was rough. I don’t like hearing things like that, but know those are simply the facts and our God is greater than statistics. His goal is to get us to 35 or 36 weeks. The last doctors said 31 to 32. So armed with that information, I’m just aiming for as long as possible. :) The doctor did say that there is nothing we can do to prevent problems or actively extended the gestation period. All they can do is monitor us closely and respond as quickly as possible if something goes south. With that being said, they can’t predict exactly when I will go on bed rest as there is no need to put me there unless a reason comes up that makes it necessary. He did say that typically, things start to get a little rough between weeks 21-24.
They decided to do an early screening for gestational diabetes while I was there. The combination of family history and higher risk for gestational diabetes made it seem like a prudent choice. The orange glucose drink wasn’t nearly as bad going down as I thought it would be, but the hour after wasn’t too fun. Neither was the rest of the evening. I managed to keep it all down so that they could draw my blood, but it definitely made the rest of the afternoon and evening a little hazy.
The nurse practitioner we met was great as well! She came to check on us while we were waiting for the glucose drink to do its thing. She spent six years as a NICU nurse before going back to school to become a nurse practitioner. She told me I would be able to hold our babies sooner than I thought we would (I thought it would be a month or two before I could hold them). She also said that she would make sure that we had a chance to see the NICU and meet a high-risk pediatrician before the babies arrive. Comforting!
Our next appointment is in about three weeks or so and not long after that, we will start seeing the doctors much more frequently. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers!
PS. I know we are just about at 11 weeks, but my 10 week baby bump picture is below for those of you who would like to see me start inflating. :D

--posted by Rebecca
You look ADORABLE! And fantastic, and how exciting that you were able to see the babies dance today! Thanks for the update!
ReplyDeleteexcited to keep up!!!! can't wait to see you saturday...
ReplyDeleteYou look so cute. Keep taking care of them. I am praying that you will be full term:)
ReplyDeleteAh!!! Abi was JUST asking me today if I had seen a picture yet of your tummy growing yet! (She's VERY concerned about you and prays for you often!!) You look darling :-) She'll be so excited when I show this to her tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAlso, we scrounged a VERY nice crib that someone had left at the curb waiting for the TRASH! WE got it so we could pass on to someone in need!!! Ugh!! Couldn't believe it! Anyway, first thing Abi says is, "I wish there was a way we could get this to the Ishum! They really NEED it for their babies!!!!! "
I'm sure the Lord will be flooding you with "supplies" so we'll pass it on to someone here (esp. since it's so bulky) but I thought it was so precious that she thought of you first :-)
I knew they get you holding those babies as soon as possible ;)
ReplyDeleteLove you guys! all 6 of ya!
Oh Rebecca... things sound VERY good to me... and you look gorgeous as ever.. I know you are counting not only the weeks, but the days... also I know that your house is full of activity even know I love you all and YUP we're praying as well.... miss your "in person" smile.. xxoo
ReplyDeleteI love your blog's new look! And your new look as well, I might add. Pregnancy looks good on ya. :-) I just wish I lived closer - I would LOVE helping out after these precious babies get here!
ReplyDeleteI was so excited to see an update in my inbox! I am thrilled to hear about your little athletes doing so well! Don't worry about when you start feeling them, it isn't actually bad at all. It's fun! You poke and they poke back... good times! You'll love it! It sounds like there are many good, positive things fleshing themselves out (pun not intended, but lol, kinda funny) and I am so thankful you are in such good hands. The drink thing is pretty brutal though, isn't it? I have my third one next Tuesday... then going to work - yuck! I am so in love with your little bump!!! You are the prettiest little mommy ever!!! Not too long we'll be knockin' bellies when I give you a hug! Hahahaha... too fun! I'm so excited!
ReplyDeleteLove you guys! (((HUGS)))
Becca you look Soooo cute in that picture!!! Say with a belly full of gymnast it is no wonder sickness is so hard for you. I am so happy to read the progress. Praying for you guys!
ReplyDeleteUncle Nate