Monday, October 11, 2010

In Case You Want to Know What We Are Up To...

We have had an AMAZING outpouring of encouragment and prayer support as we have discovered we are having quadruplets! I (Rebecca) get at least five emails, numerous text messages, and a couple of phone calls per day and Sean gets a good number as well. Everybody wants to know how we are, if the babies are growing and healthy, and how they can pray for us. I've tried to keep up with communication on my end, but my morning sickness is making it super difficult to keep up, and I know I haven't emailed, texted, and called everyone back. I had a couple of people suggest I start a blog to make it a little easier for people to keep up with us and to create a written record of our journey to parenthood.  If you care to subscribe to our blog, you are welcome to. We certainly appreciate your prayers!

The only update we have right now is that we are going to see the perinatologist on Wednesday and hopefully get some sort of game plan in place (as much as we can! Ha!). We are really blessed to have an appointment so early in my pregnancy!


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