Friday, February 4, 2011

25 Weeks!

Yesterday marked 25 weeks!!  :)

Thank you for praying!!!


Sean is super excited that his super heroes t-shirt was selected to be worn in this photo! ;)

--posted by Becca


  1. Praise God! You look so wonderful and we continue to pray for each and every hour and day that you are able to carry these precious miracles in your womb.

  2. Looking good! Continuing to PRAY

  3. So glad to see that those precious kids are staying put. Still praying.

  4. Wow, Becca! Hang in there! Praying for those babies' little lungs to grow, grow, grow!

  5. You look amazing! We are so honored to be a part of your prayer team! Keep us posted! :)

  6. still looking great! glad you made the hubby happy with the tshirt ;-) still praying...

  7. Just recently found your blog and will join in on the people praying for these 4 little ones that you are growing! Wow, can't even imagine! Your doing great, hang in there!

  8. You are gorgeous! Hang in there. Love You!

  9. BEAUTIFUL momma of some lucky kids! Love you both and praying for you always.


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