Tuesday, September 18, 2012

His + Her, Q+A: #1

His&Her Q&A

I was browsing some new blogs this week and came across one that I hadn't seen before called, Love the Grows. They post a few questions for spouses to answer together every Sunday for fun! Our marriage is so important to the stability of our little family, so it was nice to sit down for a few minutes and brainstorm our answers together.  It's so easy to get side-tracked with life..."Oh! Hello husband!"

Have fun getting to know us a little better this week!

How did your other half make you feel loved this past week?
His: Mmm...by reminding me to bring lunch to work.
Her: By not getting too mad at me when I didn't fill the van up with gas, and then gas went up by $0.20 a gallon the next day. Oops!!!

What was your biggest hobby as a little kid?
His: Reading comics.
Her: Reading Boxcar Children books.

What about the world makes you sad?
His: Child diseases and poverty, politics, the global aids thing, homelessness, people not knowing Jesus...that's probably a good enough list... did you know that 3000 children die every single day?
Her: Anything related to the mistreatment of children, but I really hurt for kids caught up in child sex trafficking.

What about the world makes you happy?
His: The smell of a comic book store on New Comic Book Day, and my children's faces.
Her: I love watching the seasons change (LOVE FALL!) and I love watching Jesus become more real to people in everyday situations.

What is your current favorite song? (Post youtube links/videos if possible!)
His: In this moment? We are talking about me here....such a tough one to answer. We'll go with # 41 by Dave Matthews, but if you ask me again in 10 minutes it will probably change.
Her:  Praise You in the Storm by Casting Crowns.

If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be? 
His: Probably working the same job and sleeping more at night. And living with my parents. Who knows? Man, that's a hard one to answer.
Her: I'd probably either be a family counselor or own a bakery. Two very different things but both very interesting...

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
His: Grilling.
Her: Taking a just-for-fun stroll (as opposed to walking for exercise).

What was your favorite memory from the wedding celebration/reception? (NOT THE CEREMONY. If not married yet- what do you most look forward to about your wedding celebration/reception?)
His: My brother's best man speech. I was going to say the milkshakes, but I don't recall the milkshakes that much.
Her: Sean's grandpa kept stepping on the train of my wedding dress and pulling out the bustle (it was funny!), and I found out that I won an English degree award in college (we got married over spring break during my senior year). That was random.

What are some traditions that you now share together?
His: Praying with our kids, reading/listening to the Bible together, and singing and dancing to the VeggieTales theme song together.
Her: Aw!! I love all of our traditions that Sean mentioned above! :)

What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
His: Playing with my kids.
Her: Leaving the house with the kids after lockdown ended!!

What do you think of our answers? Have a question you'd like for us to answer in the future? :)


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