Friday, June 21, 2013

Cohosting "Friday Follow Along Party!"

This week, I got an email from my friend, Heather over at Frugal Fit Family. She asked if I'd like to cohost her blog linkup with her. I thought it sounded like fun, so I said yes!

If you are a blogger, read through the following info and then link up a post and your social media so that we can share the love around! If you aren't a blogger, you might find some new blogs to follow if you click around in the linkup. Have fun!

Thanks, Friends!


It's PARTY Time!

So grab a hand and follow the leader!

If you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family, fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun.... 

Click below and add your name to the list!
If you can not see the link the colored title to this post and it will appear!
  •  There are no real rules-except nothing x rated! 
  • Link up at least 1 post (max of 2) AND 1 social media site so we can all follow along!
  • Visit as many links as you can and leave comments! 
  • Its just like the game Follow the leaders (host &cohosts) and  follow at least the person ahead of you and behind you. Follow others via twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin', etc 
  • Link back if you can and when!   Not required but appreciated!
  • If you have a blog hop today or this weekend...go ahead and link it up! 
If you are new to the follow this week, I am your Host ...

Heather from Frugal Fit Family!

My blog is all about getting my family financially and physically fit while saving money, earning extra cash, and getting a little Green! I focus on fitness tips, saving money, organic lifestyles, and pretty much anything that runs across my overactive mind!  

I recently had to come up with some excuses for my father as to why I had PINK hair for Father's Day...If you missed the post, check out the 10 pretty amazing reasons I came up with HERE

Please Follow Me at your Favorite Hangout...or two!

I would also LOVE it is you would take a second and vote for me ...
Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!

I am SOOOO NEEDY (Or so I have heard)-
If you need a button...Take a button!
If you are interested in being a Co-Host....send an email to!

Follow Your Friendly Co-hosts:

My name is Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.

I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to be honest and open in my posts and I don't dwell on perfection in our crafts.  In my posts I use my boy's initials, just in case you were wondering!

I am working on 12 Months of Getting it Done and plan to accomplish a lot this year and so far it has been very helpful breaking my goals into manageable pieces.
- See more at:

Dalyna from Pointing Up

My name is Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.

I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to be honest and open in my posts and I don't dwell on perfection in our crafts.  In my posts I use my boy's initials, just in case you were wondering!

I am working on 12 Months of Getting it Done and plan to accomplish a lot this year and so far it has been very helpful breaking my goals into manageable pieces.
- See more at:

Hello! My name is Dalayna, and I blog over at Pointing Up. My blog is all about words, love, & actions that point to Christ. You will find a little bit of everything as I live life and love people all for Jesus. I like to dabble in fashion and fun projects, as well as photography and graphic design. Like I said, it's the huge, massive, sometimes messy, me. I would love to meet you and share life with you.
Follow Her at: Bloglovin, InstagramFacebook & Twitter

Helen from Eat. Enjoy. Live.

The adventures of an unemployed 20-something, through love, laughter, and faith.
This blog is Helen, unedited and raw. A whole mishmash of stuff that I hope we'll wade through together.
She is a self noted Cheesecake Obsessive (me too) and is a fantastic read for a healthy laugh or dose of inspiration!
Follow Helen at Twitter, BloglovinGoogle Plus
Rebecca from A Beautiful Ruckus
A Beautiful Ruckus is written by Kansas City blogger and freelance writer, Rebecca Ishum. She writes about raising their 2-year-old quadruplets and all of the challenges and victories that they experience as a family. She also blogs about motherhood, marriage, crafts, recipes, meal tips, and enjoys hosting giveaways. In fact, she has a great one going on right now! Go HERE ( to check it out!
Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest

Leah from Leah Inspired

My name is Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.

I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to be honest and open in my posts and I don't dwell on perfection in our crafts.  
I am working on 12 Months of Getting it Done and plan to accomplish a lot this year and so far it has been very helpful breaking my goals into manageable pieces.
- See more at:
 My name is Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.

I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to be honest and open in my posts and I don't dwell on perfection in our crafts.  In my posts I use my boy's initials, just in case you were wondering!
Follow Leah on  Bloglovin' Google Plus 
I know that you LOVE features--so here are a few for you from last week's party!
Ready to Waltz brought us this Watermelon Granita
This was from A Silly Girl's Life! A great tip to save you money!
This DIY Fire Pit is from More Than Mommies
This Cheesy Chili Rellenos Casserole came from The Rushed Mommy! YUM
I am a stay at home mom of 2 boys, enjoy writing and reading about everything from kids to frugal living to daily trials.   - See more at:
My name is Leah and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful, adventurous boys.  I love to read, write, craft, scrapbook, and play with my boys.

I tend to write about a little of everything, but mostly about my kids and our adventures and creations that I have done with them.  I try to be honest and open in my posts and I don't dwell on perfection in our crafts.  In my posts I use my boy's initials, just in case you we Check out last week's features!

Now....Let's Party ON!!

Link up your favorite post, etsy shop, bloghop, etc. and remember to visit others and leave comments!


Get Connected! 

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