Wednesday, July 3, 2013

17 Google Searches Used to Find "A Beautiful Ruckus"

It's true. I'm very easily amused. And honestly, I look for the little funny things in life as they are often easier to come by than the big guffaws. I thought you might enjoy something that made me laugh this week!

I have this nifty little tool that runs in the background of the blog and lets me know how many people visit it each day. (Hello!) It also tells me what search terms people are using to find my blog. And that's where it gets interesting!

I present to you, 17 real search terms that people plugged into Google that routed them to our blog. Most of these, I wouldn't connect to my blog at all! I'm leaving the spelling exactly the same as how the original searcher typed it in. I'm also including some helpful responses in italics in case they didn't find what they were looking for:
  • What do you call the gadget that you squeeze apples through to make applesauce? (an applesauce maker or mill)
  • "chicken christmas tree topper" (Like a real chicken? Or a stuffed animal?For a stuffed animal, try the toy department. You're on your own if you want a real chicken.)
  • baby boys peeing in the woods (I know I haven't blogged about that because everyone is still in diapers!)
  • big fat poopy and wet big kid and adult diapers for play (Okay, I have blogged a lot about diapers in general...but...)
  • do infants have short arms (In case you were wondering, yes they do.)
  • every time i look my brother is grinding his teeth (If he is an infant, give him a teether. He'll appreciate it. If he's 15 years old, give him a teether. He won't appreciate it, and that might help.)
  • exhausted mom decals (Send me an email. I'd be happy to send you a photo of myself.)
  • how many babies is quad triplets (Uh...12 maybe? Let me know if you figure it out, because I'm very interested to hear what you come up with.)
  • how many sides does a quadruplet have (Well, personally, I have my right side, my left side, my good side, my bad side, my fat side, my photogenic side...I'm guessing a quadruplet will have a similar number of sides.)
  • how to buy spectacles with complete details (Suggestion: Read the terms and conditions)
  • how to baby proof for quadruplets (Just give up now. You aren't going to win.)
  • how to get good haircuts for people without husbands (Before I had a husband, I just called my stylist to see when she could fit me in for an appointment. Actually, it still works the same way now, so no need to relearn that technique once you get married. If you don't have a stylist, I bet a friend could recommend a good one.)
  • how to make applesauce from the 1600 (first you have to find some apples from the 1600's...)
  • i laughed so hard i choked on my (What? You choked on your what??)
  • i screwup cutting sons hair (Been there, done that. Don't worry, it grows back!)
  • quadruplets is not that bad ("Quadruplets *are* not that bad."  They may not be that bad, but it looks like something else might need a little work...)
  • oh quadruplets (I hear you!)
Which one is your favorite? Personally, I have to go with the "quad triplets" one. And I thought I was large when I was pregnant!

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  1. i was laughing so hard i started drooling on my keyboard. thank you for that. :-p ;-) definitely the haircut one...cause i never got my haircut 'til marriage you know... although the adult diapers one was pretty amazing - i always knew you had a crazy kinky side. ;-)

    1. Get this: These are only the funny search terms from June 2012-December 2012. Wait until I get to the ones from this year!

  2. George and I were in stitches reading this! We get a chuckle from our blog stats too. Our all time favorite search is "is it safe to be a pizza chef while pregnant?" Lol!

    1. HAHA! That's awesome! It sounds like someone wanted a reason to quit their job!

  3. Soooo FUNNY!! They are all so funny I can not just pick one!!

  4. hahaha who thought up #4? It was just so random. LOL I need this laugh today because my day is going to be crazy. :)

    1. Glad you thought it was funny! I laughed all the way through writing it!

  5. OMG those are hysterical! I've had a few odd ones, but nothing at all like those. I can't even pick a favorite!

    1. I think search terms people use are one of the funniest things ever!

  6. I LOL'ed @ your commentary on "exhausted mom decals."

    I also love your comment on "oh quadruplets."

  7. I honestly can't decide! They are all pretty priceless however, the adult diapers one did kind of leave me speechless!

    PS What program are you using that does this? I would love it! lol

    1. Yeah, the adult diapers one was really weird...

      I'm using Google Analytics. It's free and runs in the background. :)

  8. Can't stop laughing! Laughed so hard I cried! Hmm, oh the things we type in to the search bar!

    1. I also like to watch what pops up as I type things into Google. It will try to "guess" what you are looking for, so you can find some funny stuff that way too!

  9. My favorite is definitely 'do infants have short arms' I'm still laughing about it as I'm typing this!

    1. I actually did say something in a post once about my infants having short arms. I had no idea that it would be the search term to bring people to the blog though!

  10. I see people posting these from time to time and it makes me laugh. I don't have that feature, or don't know how to access it, but I'm sure it's fun to go through those from time to time. :)

    1. It's a total riot going through them! And these are only the very, very funniest! I didn't include the "funny but not quite as funny ones." :)


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