Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Little Things Thursdays: #37

Welcome to The Little Things Thursday!!

If you are new to our link-up, we like to take a minute to look back on the little things that brightened our week. So often we get busy and forget all of the things that we enjoy as we go through our daily lives. This is an opportunity to stop, remember, and enjoy those things! Nothing is too fact, the smaller the better! That's the whole point! If you have a blog, link-up below. If you don't blog, I'd love for you to participate by leaving a comment. Ready?

1. Nap Time for Teddy Bears
Cutest moment of the week goes to Caleb! Earlier today, we were getting close to naptime, and I glanced over and saw him tucking his bears in. He put his brown bear on the couch, covered him with his special blanket, and then picked up the white bear to say goodnight. He did the whole routine of me tucking him including the kiss goodnight! It was adorable to see him reenact our routine with his bears. It was also a very obvious signal to me that he was tired and ready to take a nap.

2. Post Sesame Street Cereal
This is totally a toddler story for you! Have you seen the new Post Sesame Street Cereal that has recently hit the store shelves? They contacted us and asked if our kids would like to try the new cereal. Elmo is on the front of one of the boxes. Need I say more?? So they sent us each of the flavors: Elmo is Apple, Big Bird is Strawberry, and Cookie Monster is Banana.

The kids were so excited when I opened the cardboard box and they saw the characters on the boxes. In fact, I'm pretty sure they are going to play with the boxes once the cereal is gone too! I opened the Elmo box so that they could try it, and apparently, I didn't have a good enough grip on the box, because Elijah grabbed it, and ran. And this is what happened....
If that's not a ringing endorsement, I don't know what is! The kids were shoving cereal in their mouth as fast as they could as Sean and I tried to scoop it back into the box. I really didn't mind though, since it's a healthy snack choice with 2/3 of their daily whole grain goal. Still, I think I'll try to keep a tighter grip on the box in the future!

3. Vaccinations
Sean told me about this this week, and I'm bummed that I found about it so late in August! There are 31 bloggers who are all working with Walgreens to give kids a Shot at Life! For every comment that is left on the bloggers' posts during the month of August, one vaccine will be donated to children around the world who need them. True, August is almost over, but head over to Shot at Life and leave a few comments while there is still time! Vaccinations are so important and are literally the difference between life and death for underprivileged kids.

4. Quaker Brand Back to School Products
In all my free time (ha!) I participate in product reviews through a few different companies. This week, BzzAgent sent our family a Back to School Quaker Pack! We enjoyed the last one they sent, so can't wait to dig into this one. My favorite product reviews are always the food ones!! Whoohoo!

5. CSA: Week 13
Week 13 of our CSA! This week we had: 1/2 gallon of milk, one head of lettuce, one honeydew melon, one watermelon, two cucumbers, two bell peppers, three tomatoes, two red onions, one pound of grapes, two yellow squash, two zucchini, and a whole chicken. Not pictured: Peanut Brittle (because we ate it!)

Now it's your turn! What Little Things brightened up your week? Link up your post below (or leave a comment if you aren't a blogger) and make sure you come back next week to play again!

The link up rules are super simple!
1. Please add the button or a text link to your sidebar or post to share the fun that we are having over here!
2. Please visit at least one other blog linking up and leave some blog love. Maybe you will find someone else's "little thing" is exactly what you needed to read!
3. Please keep your linked post clean and respectful! Any links directing to offensive posts will be deleted.

This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, please see my disclaimer page.


  1. I'd like to know how you get into doing the product reviews. I would enjoy doing that too but I don't know how to get started.

  2. Yummy week!
    I live Caleb and the bears. They pick up way more than we give them credit for.

  3. Hi, I'm Liz - I write over at Love and Marriage. Just found your blog through KC Blogger Meet up - attempting to 'meet' some local bloggers! I'll have to link up next Thursday!! :)

  4. I didn't get to slow down enough to add my link to your hop until today. Sorry I missed it yet again. I'm trying to get things in order again now that the kids are back in school.


We would love to hear what you think! Please know that all comments are on a slight delay as we approve them on our end. Thanks for commenting!

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