Welcome to The Little Things Thursday!!
If you are new to our link-up, we like to take a minute to look back on the little things that brightened our week. So often we get busy and forget all of the things that we enjoy as we go through our daily lives. This is an opportunity to stop, remember, and enjoy those things! Nothing is too small...in fact, the smaller the better! That's the whole point! If you have a blog, link-up below. If you don't blog, I'd love for you to participate by leaving a comment. Ready?
2. Mommy and The Girls
Abby, Ellie, and I were sitting on the couch, and we ended up taking some pictures with my phone just for fun. Sometimes those spontaneous photos are the best! I thought this one turned out really cute! Love my little girls!
3. I Found It!
Since finding delicata squash in our CSA bag a couple of months ago, I've been trying to find it in the grocery store. I've even had the produce guys on alert for it the past few weeks. They *finally* got some in, and I snagged most of them! Squash will last awhile in a cool place, so I stocked up. You know we must like this squash if it makes it onto Little Things Thursday!
4. Produce Stickers
Did you know that fresh produce comes with stickers? Oh yes, they do! And Ellie thought the stickers off of the squash were pretty neat! Hey, letting her wear them counts as recycling, right?
5. Date Night!!!!
And finally, Sean and I made it out on a date night this week! It was our first date night in three months, and a much needed break! My mom called out of the blue and offered to watch the kids so that we could go out to dinner. Then the next night, Sean's parents stopped by so that we could run to his aunt's surprise party. It's really amazing how much a few minutes out of the house and encourage us!
The link up rules are super simple!
1. Please add the button or a text link to your sidebar or post to share the fun that we are having over here!
2. Please visit at least one other blog linking up and leave some blog love. Maybe you will find someone else's "little thing" is exactly what you needed to read!
3. Please keep your linked post clean and respectful! Any links directing to offensive posts will be deleted.

Love the pictures!!!