Saturday, November 2, 2013

{Comments for a Cause} Angel Tree Program - November 2013

Thanks to each of you for leaving all of the comments during October! We chose Alexandra's House as our cause in honor of our niece, Aubree, who passed away this summer after a terminal diagnosis in the womb. We received 124 comments and raised $12.40 for Alexandra's House. We really appreciate the comments you left to help us honor Aubree's memory.

We decided to focus on Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree Program this month. They do really wonderful work with some of the most overlooked children in the United States.

The Angel Tree Program is part of Prison Fellowship's ministries. While Prison Fellowship works with men and women who are incarcerated, The Angel Tree portion of their ministry focuses on the children of those who are incarcerated. Many people are familiar with what Angel Tree does during the Christmas season. Prison inmates sign their kids up for the program, and tags are created for each child with a suggested gift that they would like. Families can pick out a tag, buy a gift, and then the program helps to deliver those gifts to children along with the good news of Jesus. Without the caring families around the nation who make sure these kids receive a gift, many wouldn't have Christmas at all. But beyond that, the Angel Tree Program offers summer camp opportunities, mentoring resources, and tries to reach these kids during the whole year with the love and the hope that can be found in Christ.

This year, they are trying to provide 425,000 children with gifts. Currently, there are still 62,194 children still left on the list that need to be provided for.

That's where you come in! For every comment that you leave on the blog, our family will make a contribution to the Angel Tree Program to help these children have a Christmas. With so many kids left on the list, we hope you leave as many comments as possible so that our blog community can help care for these kids. And, of course, if you want to pick up a gift for a child yourself, you can visit the Angel Tree website for more information.

Remember, for every comment left on a non-giveaway blog post during November, we will donate $0.10 to Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree Program!

Thank you for being part of our A Beautiful Ruckus community and blessing others with us!


  1. Great cause! I'm always happy to see people rallying around this ministry. :)

  2. What a great opportunity! Thanks for sharing this cause!

  3. What a great idea to do Angel Tree!

  4. Oh my goodness I love Angel Tree! My mother in law heads up the Angel Tree program for our small town church and so we participate each year and deliver presents even. They are kids who truly need our help. Thank you for doing this.

  5. Angel Tree is a wonderful program!

  6. Angel Tree seems like a great program, I'm happy to leave some comments to boost the donation! :) :)

  7. Beautiful cause, thank you for sharing! You're wonderful!

    ps -- I've nominated you for an award. If you'd like, you have the choice of answering fun questions which are on my blog along with the rules under "Sunshine award". It's my first time participating, and thought it would be fun to tag you as well. :)

  8. What a great cause! And I'm happy to see that we had so many comments during October to give to Alexandra's House. :)

  9. I've been reading your blog but lurking in the shadows. Ill comment now! Bless you!

  10. Thanks for your blog! Our family was looking for Angel Tree opportunities and found your site!


We would love to hear what you think! Please know that all comments are on a slight delay as we approve them on our end. Thanks for commenting!

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