Monday, January 6, 2014

Our Meal Plan: 1/5-1/11

If you are looking for some of the strategies that help us decide what to eat every week, make sure you check out our Meal Tip Series!

Sunday: Leftovers
Monday: Barbecue Sandwiches and French Fries
Tuesday: Baked Ziti with Spinach
Wednesday: Chicken Parmigiano, Salad
Thursday: Spinach and Cheese Ravioli, Salad
Friday: Chicken and Dumplings
Saturday: Leftovers

What is on your menu this week? Leave me some inspiration!


  1. How's this for inspiration? We're having Salisbury steaks from the frozen section for dinner tomorrow. ha! I will make homemade redskin mashed potatoes though. :)

    1. You know what? Nothing wrong with a frozen dinner! My hubby will sometimes stop by Costco and pick up a couple of frozen dinners for me. He does it so that if I don't feel like cooking, I know that I can pull from the freezer. Good guy!! :)

  2. Super healthy dinners sounds like! And I love leftovers, man that makes for a great night. We're having baked deer heart tonight, wow! That usually happens once or twice a year if hubby gets his deer. It's surprisingly tasty, ha! Beyond that we are doing chicken pot pie, plain old spaghetti and homemade pizza.

    1. Girl, I'm really at a loss for words about the deer heart. That isn't something that I could eat....oh boy, well, I'm glad you find it tasty!

      As for the rest of your menu, I'm happy to come eat at your house any night of the week (except deer heart night.) :)


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