Thursday, January 16, 2014

What My House Really Looks Like On a Regular Thursday Morning

Today's post is a little different from the norm. I decided to do a vlog (video blog) this morning on a whim after reading through your answers to my annual survey again. I always read the survey results many, many times over the course of the year, and it often inspires posts. So you all are directly responsible for the inspiration behind this one!

One of the comments on the survey said this:
" I do hate you a little for being the mom that can raise toddlers, bake fantastic meals EVERY week, blog and make home made stuff. ;)"

Oh, girl. I'd hate myself too! You have to remember that you see the highlights of my week, and my meal plan is a list of my best intentions. You don't see the mess, disorganization (which drives me nuts!), the toilets that need to be scrubbed, and the stairs that haven't been swept in....months. I don't bake as much as I used to because, honestly, I couldn't keep up with myself. Seriously. I do not have life together over here, and I really don't want you to think that I do!

So that's why I'm doing something out of the ordinary. I'd like to invite all of you over to see my house in all its glory. That's right. I'm inviting you in without running around and picking up everything first. I literally read the comment, leaned over to pick up my camera, and started recording. I could make excuses for what you will see in the following video, but...hey, it is what it is.
Now that you've seen the inside of my house, I hope I didn't scare anyone off. Ha!

In all seriousness though, this is who I am. And I really don't want to be perfect either. Too much stress and pressure that way. I'm just a mom trying to figure out how to balance everything...just like you!

P.S. Be nice in the comments, would ya? :)


  1. Thanks for being transparent!! I felt bad for you about the mess they made - id be"super grumly " lol!! Normal toy messes I can deal but naughty messes I'm like "really??" Haha! But for 4 kids especially so young you're doing great!!! My house is worse with no kids! Lol!

  2. Thank you so much for this post! As a mom to 6, I sometimes get discouraged and feel like I'm the only one who struggles with keeping up with everything. I think we tend to only let people see the good things and hide the everyday messes and struggles. I'm all for being real and I commend you! I can SO sympathize with you! Our house will never be spotless but like you we are happy and my kids feel loved and at the end of that day, that's what matters. You're doing great mama! If someone gets offended by my multiple piles of laundry, sink full of dishes or toys scattered about, then that's on them. Thank you so much for letting us in and showing me that I'm not alone! And by the way, I'm impressed at your kids' room! It look great considering 4 toddlers share it! My kids' rooms never look that good!

  3. Ha, I loved this. I laugh because my 4 year old watched it with me and said "mommy that looks like our house!". Thanks for allowing us in your world honestly.

  4. Your house looks just like ours and I only have a 2 and 4 year old! I stay home and I try to do one cleaning thing a day, the other day I did all the floors and bathroom, today I'm doing 6 loads of laundry so that means that while we will have clean clothes the rest of the house is a mess. My elderly neighbor who raised 5 kids once told me that when your kids are grown you will remember your children and the love in the house and not how clean or dirty it was. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Priceless! Thank you. The best part was your sigh when you came around the sofa and saw the mess there. I could hear you swallowing whatever you really wanted to say. You are a patient mom! (And as for makeup, it's highly overrated; as long as you brush your teeth once or twice a day, I think you're way ahead!)
    Lee Ann

  6. You are a brave woman--but if it makes you feel any better, your house looks like mine, and your bedrooms are better!

  7. Oh that looks just like my house. Only, maybe a little cleaner.

  8. I love it! Thanks for keeping it real. If you did have it all completely together, I'd really be a little creeped out and wonder if maybe you came from another planet. I remember those days when my one would decide to empty a space when no one was watching. It's amazing just how far a shelf full of stuff can spread out.

  9. What a brave and real post. I go through and clean like a crazy person before anyone comes over and freak out if it's not clean when they get here, so the fact that you were brave enough to show us your loving home in it's true form is amazing. I don't know that I would have the courage to do that. My favorite part was how you told the kids they shouldn't be playing with the stuff in the box they dumped out and all of them were like "huh? who? us?" and continued to do whatever their imagination was telling them and you handled it really well. :)

  10. Thanks for being real. I think you can see by the comments that most of us wouldn't be jumping at the chance to give a spontaneous house tour. You and your husband are doing a great job raising your family. God bless.

  11. Our living rooms are twins! Mine is about the same right now. Someone took the cushion off the glider ottoman, there's a coat, pair of boots, random toys, a bath towel, and Thomas trains on the floor.

  12. I LOVED this! Of course your kids were just keeping it real for us ;). Toddlers are definitely busy, and you are my hero with 4!! Thanks for such a great video!!

  13. This was great! I think your house is cleaner than mine and I just have twins!! I am curious at what point you will make Sean convert his office to a bedroom for two of the kids. I had to give up my office for the twins so I'm a little jealous he still has his!

  14. I love that you are brave enough to show us how it really is! Thanks so much for your honesty! You are doing a great job and it shows. I only wish more people were this honest. You are awesome!

  15. I seriously was feeling bad about my house and Googled what does a normal house look like and got this like 3 or 4 clicks down. I'm sitting here bashing myself and thank God you did this because now. After I finish my next 30 minutes cleaning.. I'll be a little closer to what your house looks like. I no longer feel like I live below the cleanliness line that so many people create and I feel like I'm desperately chasing!

  16. I know it's an old vlog but I so needed this today, I spent my whole weekend cleaning, doing laundry and complaining. I actually feel so bad for not taking my kids out on a hike, now the weekend is over and back to work for the next 5 days.

  17. This is soooo valuable. THANK YOU 💐
    It's nice to know messy is normal and clean is lovely but near impossible at times. ❤

  18. I am up at 12:55 a.m. crying because it felt like all I do is clean and get no where. I have a 5 and 4 year old and a husband that tries but doesn't get it. Thank you. Thank you for making me breathe. Thank you for letting me know I am not the only one who cleans in one room and the kids are in the next room making a mess. Thank you for letting me know I am not alone with dishes still in the sink or unmade beds. I am grateful for this video tonight even if it is an old one.

  19. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have had ocd for more than 2 decades and now my oldest is 23 and youngest is 16 and I have been a single mum for 9 years. My children, I love them, are not clean and do not see mess and I feel like I am alone in the cleaning of my house and with wanting it clean and having no one appreciate it I am tired of doing it. I come from a family of clean, and cleanliness is next to godliness but I just can't anymore. I was feeling less than and a bad mum but I realise I am ok. I don't need it perfect like the rest of my family. I have a good relationship with all of my kids and that is what is Important. My house is tidy if not clean. I need to be kinder to myself and live my life which I haven't done in over 2 decades. I would like to think that when I die people will have many wonderful things to say about me not ..she had a clean house. I so needed this right now so again THANK YOU


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