Monday, February 24, 2014

Letters from Dad: #12

(Once a month, I invite Sean to take over the blog and write a little note to our kids. I love that he is willing to leave little nuggets of wisdom for them to look back on when they are older!)

Dear Children,

You are now three years old, and you have grown so much. In leaps and bounds.

When you were first born I worried about you so much, especially the girls; Abby with her oxygen issues and Ellie with the cysts on her brain and her stiff legs. Now, you are three and will begin preschool in a week. It’s been a long journey for you, and a long journey for your Mommy and Daddy.

We are so proud of you.

Three years, and it has gone by so quickly. But I still worry about you. I mostly worry about Caleb these days since he talks the least and is still something of a loner. People tell me not to worry about his talking, because one day he won’t ever quit. I know that day will be here soon, but right now in this moment in time, I worry about him. He seems to struggle so, but he also seems happy, so I should just let it be and stop worrying.

Children, there is a verse in the Bible about not being able to add a moment to your life by worrying. I can’t make Caleb talk. I can’t make you all sleep at night. I can’t guarantee that you will live a happy productive life. Only God can take care of us. It’s more productive to give my worries about you children to God rather than to keep them as my own.

Happy Birthday, Children! Continue to be happy and lead blessed lives. May you know God and live life to the fullest.


Your Daddy


  1. I think this is such a cool idea and am sure your children will enjoy reading these when they are older. Great piece of wisdom here too!

  2. This one is so heartfelt and sweet! Love it. Happy birthday you four! It was a joy seeing you all yesterday!

  3. This is great! I love this one. :)


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