Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Little Things Thursdays: #72

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Welcome to The Little Things Thursday!!

If you are new to our link-up, we like to take a minute to look back on the little things that brightened our week. So often we get busy and forget all of the things that we enjoy as we go through our daily lives. This is an opportunity to stop, remember, and enjoy those things! Nothing is too fact, the smaller the better! That's the whole point! If you have a blog, link-up below. If you don't blog, I'd love for you to participate by leaving a comment. Ready?

It's a BIG issue of Little Things Thursday this week! Something came up last week, and I didn't quite make it this far. I hope this extra long post will make up for it though!

1. Crown Center Fountains
Ellie, Caleb, Abby, and Elijah

We headed downtown to Crown Center early this morning to help with some media stuff at SeaLife. The kids got to see some sea creatures, and although Abby kept saying she saw an elephant, I'm pretty sure that is one animal that we *didn't* see. It was a fun, but very early morning so that we could be filmed for the morning news. Right before we had to show up for the shoot, we took a moment to look at some of Kansas City's finest fountains outside the doors. The kids were memorized, and I caught this cute photo!

2. First Happy Meals
Abby, Mommy, Caleb, Elijah, and Ellie

The kids have officially had their first Happy Meals! I don't know why I felt like documenting it other than the fact that they didn't go over well. I think it's because they always share a 20 piece nugget and two large fries, and suddenly we were throwing apple slices, drinks, and toys at them with everything else. Lesson learned: Go with the cheaper option! (But it was fun to try them anyway!)

3. Our CSA is BACK!!!
Top photo: Two CSA boxes worth of deliciousness
Bottom photos: Farm fresh strawberries, and Abby sporting a strawberry juice covered shirt

One of my favorite parts of summer is back! Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) deliveries have started back up! This week, one of Sean's coworkers wasn't able to pick up her bag and kindly gave it to us because she knew our kids would inhale it (thank you!!). We ended up with two pounds of strawberries, two bags of tomatoes, three bags of dry ricotta cheese, two small bags of snap peas, two bags of hoagie rolls, two clumps of beets, and two jars of tomato sauce. Oh summer, I love the food that you bring to our door!

4. Stylin' the Abby Way
Abby makes us laugh non-stop with the crazy costumes she comes up with! On the left is her "Pincess" dress, Santa Claus hat, and Mardi Gras necklace ensemble. On the right is her "Downy Girl" look. I got a box of Downy Wrinkle Release Spray in the mail to try, and she grabbed the shirt that came with it and decided it was a dress. Lol! She loved the fact that it had a circle on it! (Btw, I think I'll do a flash FaceBook giveaway later on this week for some of the wrinkle releaser. If you hate ironing, keep an eye out over there for that!)

5. When Daddy Goes Grocery Shopping
After church on Sunday, Sean and I decided to stop by the grocery store for a few things. It worked out well since Ellie had been asking to go to the grocery store (I have NO idea why. So weird.). The girls and I went to look for cheese, and by the time we got back, the boys had picked out new baseball bats and balls. Looks like we have a fun summer ahead of us!

6. How do You Aioli?
My job is so fun because our family gets to try new things! One of the items that showed up in the mail a couple of weeks ago was a Red Gold Tomatoes kit to promote their new aioli recipes. Oh goodness. Good stuff! We made this Italian Roast Beef Panini with Roasted Garlic Aioli last week. It was delicious and easy! We just used a giant loaf of Italian bread and then I panini-ed it between two cast iron pans. Booyah! Restaurant grade sandwich! You can find the recipe (and a bunch more) here!

7. #GoVoxBox
YAY! I had another VoxBox come in the mail! If you have been around for awhile, you probably remember the post I wrote to tell you how to get these nifty boxes yourself! You DON'T have to be a blogger. Jump over here if you missed the post. Meanwhile, this week, I will be playing around with all sorts of products hand-picked for active people who want to be healthy. Fun!!

8. End-of-the-Year Teacher Gifts
Last week, we made our Teacher Thank You gifts. The awesome news was that I was able to make 17 teacher gifts (teachers, paras, and therapists) for between $40-$45 total! The bad news was that I was reminded why I don't bake anymore. Good heavens. It is SO frustrating to try to bake with four sets of hands trying to eat everything they see. Thankfully, we managed to get it done and out the door intact. The funniest part was when they all sat down at the table while I was decorating the cupcakes, and said, "Let's pray!" They figured that if they did their pre-meal prayer, that I would just hand over all the cupcakes to them. Lol!

9. Big Helpers
Abby and Elijah helping Daddy wipe down the table after dinner

I love that we are at the age where the kids want to help! It's not always that productive, but I'm proud of them for wanting to be our little assistants. It's about time they start earning their keep!

10. Man Crackers

Life is so literal right now which makes for some comedy gold! We go through a lot of Cheese Nips at our house. Up until the last few weeks, they've been "orange crackers" since I've just been buying the original squares. But during a routine grocery trip, I noticed that Cheese Nips had a "Despicable Me" version that was actually cheaper per ounce. I bought them thinking the kids might not even notice. Oh, they DID notice! They are now referred to as "Man Crackers" at our house, courtesy of Ellie. Lol!

Now it's your turn! What Little Things brightened up your week? Link up your post below (or leave a comment if you aren't a blogger) and make sure you come back next week to play again!

The link up rules are super simple!
1. Please add the button or a text link to your sidebar or post to share the fun that we are having over here!
2. Please visit at least one other blog linking up and leave some blog love. Maybe you will find someone else's "little thing" is exactly what you needed to read!
3. Please keep your linked post clean and respectful! Any links directing to offensive posts will be deleted.

This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, please see my disclaimer page.


  1. I like the purchase the boys and dad made--you can have lots of fun with those whiffle balls and bats. That's really nice of you to make those special treats for their teachers; your kids will get some of them won't they?

  2. I have been meaning to ask you since last year - how do you get your CSA boxes? I would love to do something like that for my family, but have no idea where to begin.

    1. Hi... at the risk of hijacking the comment thread... I'll jump in here. Try just googling your nearest town, or your county and state - along with the term CSA or Community Supported Agriculture. You might be surprised how many there are near you. I know I was the first time I did it!


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