Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Little Things Thursdays: #83...Back to School Edition!

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Welcome to The Little Things Thursday!!

If you are new to our link-up, we like to take a minute to look back on the little things that brightened our week. So often we get busy and forget all of the things that we enjoy as we go through our daily lives. This is an opportunity to stop, remember, and enjoy those things! Nothing is too fact, the smaller the better! That's the whole point! If you have a blog, link-up below. If you don't blog, I'd love for you to participate by leaving a comment. Ready?

We are changing up Little Things Thursday this week! Instead of doing my normal numbered highlights, I'm going to share some photos of our first day back to school. It was the highlight of the week for ALL of us, so I think it's fair that it's on Little Things Thursday!
Abby, Elijah, Ellie, and Caleb

Caleb and his teacher, Mrs. Pena

Caleb was (very happily for us!) placed in a classroom this year with one teacher and two paras. Most classrooms are one teacher and one para. The new special needs process coordinator came to find us this morning and introduced herself. She had read over Caleb's IEP paperwork and our concerns thoroughly over the summer, and let us know that she purposely placed him in a classroom with an extra para. She was so kind and let us know that we could contact her at any time with concerns, and she would work with us to make sure that Caleb has the best shot. At this point, we chose not to share his diagnosis because we don't want him to be labeled in the school district, but we are really appreciating their sensitivity to his needs and our concerns with how they placed him this year. We will greatly miss Miss Mary, his teacher from last year, but I have a really good "mommy gut feeling" about Mrs. Pena after meeting her. Mrs. Pena and at least one of the paras are experienced special education teachers. I'm feeling optimistic about all of it right now, and praying this ends up being a big year for Caleb with big strides toward his goals.

Miss Sarah and Abby

Abby is back with her Miss Sarah and Miss DeAnn this year! She refers to them as "hers." We went to the school for "Meet the Teacher" last night, and Miss DeAnn walked out into the hall as we were trying to find out way around. She crouched down, threw her arms out, and yelled, "There's my girls!" and Abby and Ellie took off at a dead run to give her hugs. :) Yeah, it totally made me tear up! While Abby was with Miss Sarah and Miss DeAnn for the school year and summer school, Ellie was only with them for summer school. Unfortunately, in spite of the requests that Miss Sarah and Miss DeAnn made on our behalf, the school district wouldn't allow both girls back in the same classroom for the regular school year. But at least they were able to get Abby back! We seriously love these sweet teachers and the way they look out for all of our kids. Especially, Miss DeAnn. She considers our kids to be practically hers while they are at school, and that does SO much for my comfort level. I joked with her today that I was going to write her down on school paperwork as my emergency contact, and she was all for it. :)

Elijah and Miss Brittany

Elijah had Miss Brittany and Miss Kelsy for summer school since they co-taught a classroom for that month. Both teachers really wanted him back in their separate classrooms for the school year, but Miss Kelsy told me that Miss Brittany won. LOL! I love that these ladies love our kids! It's SO wonderful to have Miss Brittany's familiar face in Elijah's classroom and know that he is in good hands and is actually WANTED as a student! 

Ellie and Miss Kelsy

Ellie loved her teacher from the last year, but Miss Jessica had to move on to another position. We spent all summer wondering how Ellie would end up with this year. We requested to have her placed with Abby in Miss Sarah and Miss DeAnn's classroom, but that was denied by the district. However, we feel very blessed that she ended up with Miss Kelsy! When Miss Kelsy lost out on Elijah, she started pulling for at least one of our kids in her room...and ended up with Ellie! Ellie and Miss Kelsy seemed to connect right away, and the match looks like a great one! I know Ellie will do well in her classroom!

What can I say? God is good and is taking care of the details even when it seems like everything is up in the air. We are excited for our new school year and hope to make some huge steps in our therapies over the coming months.

Now it's your turn! What Little Things brightened up your week? Link up your post below (or leave a comment if you aren't a blogger) and make sure you come back next week to play again!

The link up rules are super simple!
1. Please add the button or a text link to your sidebar or post to share the fun that we are having over here!
2. Please visit at least one other blog linking up and leave some blog love. Maybe you will find someone else's "little thing" is exactly what you needed to read!
3. Please keep your linked post clean and respectful! Any links directing to offensive posts will be deleted.

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  1. Thanks for hosting Rebecca - have a lovely week and hope to see you at our Friendship Friday party (opens later today!)

  2. My son was in special education preschool from 2-4yrs and I always worried about what teacher he would get and if they would "get him" and then I realized every teacher in that field loves kids and truly love their job and figures out the kids right away. It looks like that's how it is in your district too. I guess we have a lot of years of worrying about them at school ahead of us lol Your kids look so happy to be at school though, enjoy your break also, ours go back after Labor Day and I'm counting the days ;)

  3. This is the cutest thing loved share. Have a great school year look forward to the shares xo :)

  4. Your kids sound like they have really great teachers. That's so awesome. Did the district explain their position on not having siblings in the same classroom? Is it an official policy?

  5. I love this post! Sounds like your heart is content with their teachers and as a mom, that is a great feeling. Prayers that they all have a wonderful year.


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