Sunday, August 2, 2015

We Are Still Here!!

Oh....hey there!

I thought I'd pop over for a minute and say that:


The nicest thing ever happened to me last week. I got an email from Bernice and a message from Cassie asking me if we were okay because we had been quiet for so long. Can I just say that it is the nicest thing in the world to be cared about by people we've never met? (Hey, friends!) It gave me the warm fuzzies that our sweet readers were thinking of us. Wow!

So yes! We are okay! Summer seemed to have disrupted our normal activities a bit.

--The kids are home from school and driving me crazy. I love them, but yes. Crazy.
--I'm still trying to work full-time. Emphasis on "try". Truthfully, not much is getting done with the hooligans home.
--Sean's mom who we loved so very dearly unexpectedly passed last month, and that has by far been the hardest things we have had to experience.
--We went on our first family vacation!
--and I'm sure some more stuff happened in there too.

The kids head back to school in 10 days, and I'm hopeful that my life might settle down a little bit more. I miss blogging, and I miss all of you truly wonderful friends who have been hanging with us for the last few years.

So for now, I have a quick photo to share with you! I get ONE good photo of my kids every 12-18 months. This is an impossible feat, y'all, but this one turned out so beautifully, I can't stop looking at it! I snapped this one a couple of weeks ago while we were in Colorado at the Garden of the Gods. The park is simply stunning! And I have a darn cute family as models!

Elijah, Ellie, Abby, Caleb, and Sean

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who has had a crazy busy summer! Leave me a comment and tell me what y'all have been up to with your own families! I'd love to hear about how you are spending your days with your kids out of school!

.....and we will be back soon!

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  1. Thankful that you are ok and look forward to future posts.

  2. I was delighted to see a post from you because I have been wondering about you too. It's weird to form an attachment to someone you've never met but there you have it! The kids have grown sooooo much! So sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you'll have more time to "visit" soon. Friends, Brenda Foreman

  3. Oh, so glad to see this post! So many times, I've wandered over to see if you might have posted something. I'd tell myself: "Good grief! If you had four toddlers, do you think you'd be posting on a dang blog???" So I contented myself with the thought that you all were having a wonderful, busy summer. Sounds like it has been busy and while it sounds like you've had some wonderful times, I'm sorry to hear of the sadness you've experienced. Special people leave such big holes in our lives when they pass, but oh, all the fantastic memories and love they give us! Take care. I'll patiently wait for the next post!
    Lee Ann


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