Little Ellie!
How old are you? "Six, and I'm going to turn seven!"
What makes you happy? "Unicorns"
What is your favorite animal? "Tigers"
What is your favorite color? "Red"
What is your favorite thing to eat? "Pizza...Pepperoni Pizza"
What is your least favorite thing to eat? "Spinach"
What is your favorite thing to do? "Play on my tablet"
What is your favorite TV show? "Calico Critters" (this lady plays with toys on YouTube...and my kids love it. I don't get it...)
What is your favorite movie? "Frozen"
What are you really good at? "Playing Data Stream on my tablet" (it's a game on ABC Mouse)
What is your favorite song? "Cups" by Anna Kendrick from the Pitch Perfect soundtrack
What do you and your mom do together? "Go grocery shopping"
What do you and your dad do together? "Trivia Crack"
What is your favorite book? "Actually....I don't have a favorite book?"
What is your favorite toy? "My stuffed animals"
What do you want to be when you grow up? "There are a lot of things that I want to be. I haven't decided yet. I'm probably going to be a vet. If not, then probably an artist with [my friend] McKinley."
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