Thursday, March 24, 2011

One Month Birthdays!!

Yesterday was our babies’ ONE MONTH BIRTHDAYS!! Birthday pictures are below!

Caleb is now 3 lbs. 1 oz.

Abby is now 3 lbs. 5 oz.

Elijah is now 3 lbs. 1 oz.

Ellie is now 2 lbs. 8 oz.

I made birthday cupcakes so that the nurses could celebrate their birthdays with us! One box went to Labor and Delivery and the other went to the NICU.

I also included a note from the kids on each box. :-)

Caleb, Abby, and Elijah are all spending time on their nasal cannulas now. Caleb is doing 6 hours at a time, followed by a 6 hour break back on his CPAP. Abby and Elijah are doing 3 hours at a time, followed by a 9 hour break back on their CPAP. Ellie tried it but only made it 45 minutes, so they are going to give her a couple of more days before they try it again. Such big kids to use nasal cannulas!

All four babies had eye exams and head ultrasounds yesterday. All of their eye exams came back perfectly normal for their age. Their next eye exams are in 2 weeks which is good news! If there was anything to be concerned about, they would have another exam much more quickly.

Caleb, Abby, and Elijah had great head ultrasounds as well. No cysts or hemorrhaging to be found! Ellie’s didn’t come back quite as well. She doesn’t have any hemorrhaging, but they found more cysts. In addition to the cysts on her front lobe, they now see some on her brain lining. The doctor told us that it is better to see them on the lining rather than on the brain tissue itself, so we are grateful for that. All of the babies will have developmental therapy appointments at 6, 9, 12, and 18 months. The doctor also told us that we will start to get an idea of whether or not Ellie has cerebral palsy as those appointments happen. It is still not a for sure thing, but it is something that they are watching. We are just going to keep praying that in the end the cysts are nothing!

So far, we have loved the month of parenthood we’ve been able to experience. Not every moment has been great, but as a whole, we are thrilled to be where we are in life. Thank you for celebrating this huge milestone for our preemies with us: One Month Old!!

--Posted by Rebecca


  1. I love the cupcakes you made!! Praying for you all as the babies continue to grow stronger each day in the NICU. They'll be home before you know it!

  2. They are so cute, and have grown so much. Still praying. Thank you for sharing your lives with us through your blog.

  3. Those cupcakes look fabulous...I bet they were so appreciated!!!
    What a great update and post! Those were pretty close to our quads birth weights at almost 32 weeks. (3lbs 2 oz, 3lbs 2 oz, 3lbs 8oz and 3lbs 12oz) so they are doing fantastic it seems!
    They'll be on room air before you know it! :)
    Praising God for these miracles and isn't it amazing how much He grows "us" through it all!!!!
    I think I mentioned it but our Eli has CP with mostly developmental delays and is now doing very well. He's 2 yrs old and still gets therapies weekly, but showing so much improvement and what a kid he is....If we were to have a kiddo with any kind of special needs....he's the one- such an amazing personality! He's walking and almost running to keep up with everyone now!
    Lots of prayers for Ellie and I think of them often...especially with 2 of the same names! :)
    Love the Crisanti Quads and family!

  4. Happy 1 month birthday. They have grown so much in the last month.

  5. Happy Birthday Babies and a special Happy Birthday to my prayer baby, Ellie!


  6. Happy birthday, babies! Loved the new pictures. :-) Thank you for the update.

  7. Awesome Becca! So happy to read they are doing so well. Will continue to pray for them. Can't wait till you bring home the babies.

  8. What a joy and a blessing. I am so encouraged that your children are doing so well. Our God is a God who answers prayers, and He can do what He says He can do! What a comfort! We continue to lift your babies up to God, and you both too! Happy 1 month babies!!! :)

  9. God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!!!!
    We will continue to lift ALL of you up in prayer!
    Your notes to the nurses was precious! I am sure your witness shines through and I will pray it makes the saved stronger and the unsaved ask questions.
    Your babies are awesome and beautiful!!!!!
    Denise Terry

  10. Rebecca,

    Congratulations! Caleb, Abby, Elijah & Ellie all look great! The cupcakes were I'm sure such a blessing to those hard working nurses. You are so thoughtful and kind to do that!

    I might share that my oldest has special needs. He has overall developmental delay (& he has had many a head CT & none of them were "normal"). When he was born 17 years ago--we were told he might be blind (he does have a severe vision impairment--but gets along well in school); he may never walk because he has what appears to be a teathered spine (he was a slow walker, but today you would never know that).

    I guess I always tried hard to remember that medical diagnoses--were just that, a diagnosis & even that a prognosis is dependent upon past info. Children are amazing & can overcome great odds. I will pray that God gives you strength and peace to meet the days ahead! God Bless,

    Angela Kuehnen

  11. Happy Birthday babies!! I love the cupcake idea! They are so cute with the babies' colors!

    BTW Becca, you don't know me, but I work with Sean. Also my mom is Mary Leonard who gave you a massage forever ago. :-)

  12. Happy one month birthday Caleb, Abby, Eli, and Ellie!
    Praising God for how well they are doing for One Month!
    Congratulations, too, to the mom and dad!!

  13. Happy birthday kids!!! We are anxious to have play dates with you guys, so keep up the good work! You guys are doing awesome at all the hard work of growing! Keep it up! We love all of you!!!
    Dr. Amy & Emilia

  14. Sharri Adkins ZahnterMarch 25, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    The babies are so precious & the cupcakes for the nurses were so sweet! You are incredible parents and God will bless each baby with good health. Just be patient & keep the faith. I have prayed for your entire family since Karen posted it on Facebook! God Bless U All! Hugz! Sharri Adkins Zahnter

  15. Happy 1 month birthday to 4 wonderful and beautiful babies!

  16. Everyone here in Mesilla New Mexico is praying for them. They look so good! I love the cakes....such a cute idea! You will be such a fun Mommy! We are looking forward to the day that they will come to Great-Grandpa Taylor's house and visit all of us. With Love, Johna

  17. I'm following you way out here in California. Read about you in the Kansas City Star when we were visiting MO after Christmas. Have been praying for you since then. Happy birthday dear little ones with special prayers for you & for mommy & daddy as they go through this stressful time. God bless each of you & all those special nurses & doctors who take care of the babies.

  18. I came across your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I shed a few tears while doing so; some of joy for each bit of good news; some sharing your fears and worries. It's strange that we were going through similar things at the same place at just about the same time. I just had a "life is not always what you plan but God provides" baby too. At the ripe old age of 41, with two teenagers, I was on bedrest and delivered a baby prematurely. I spent alot of time with Dr. Parrish - I'm glad he did your delivery - he's my fave peri in the group. (And I wonder if we have the same midwife? Lee Voi?) When Matthew was born we found out he has Down syndrome. He also spent some time in the NICU. Thanks be to God, only a week. He's seen just about every specialist a baby can see in his short life. I am one of those "developmental specialists" so the poor kid is getting therapy of sorts every day!

    I don't expect you to respind to this message. Maybe you won't even be able to read it. But if you do get a chance, know there is one more person praying for all of you. I will keep following your blog and I hope someday we and our babies can meet.

  19. Happy One-Month Birthday to the superheroes! I'm still praying for the whole squad and hoping the very best for little miss Ellie. Love, love.

  20. Congratulations on one month of parenting!! It is a huge milestone!

  21. Just wanted to stop in and tell you your babies are beautiful and I'm sending prayers your way!!!! I have been there but only with one. We had a 24 week preemie there at saint lukes.


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