I've found that not only are the clothes in better condition than what can typically be found at garage sales, but they are so much cheaper than buying retail. There are awesome deals on toys and just about any other baby accessory imaginable at these things! I did all of the babies' Christmas shopping at a consignment sale in August last year.
I'm also a big fan of hitting pre-sales at consignment sales. Best selection and less of a crowd. I have a consignment sale coming up through my multiples group in March, but there is also another one coming up on Friday that I'm super excited about. They have just opened up a new pre-sale time for Mothers of Multiples at this consignment sale. Whoohoo!!
I wanted to make sure that y'all knew about it in case you know a multiples mom who could use the info:
Just Between Friends Consignment Sale
The Pavilion at John Knox Village
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Pre-Sale for Mothers of Multiples
Friday, February 17th. 5pm-7pm
For additional info and to register (which you must do to get into the pre-sale), click here:
And if you don't have a set of multiples, go check out the website anyway. They also have pre-sale times for First Time Moms, First Time Grandparents, Military, Teachers, and Foster Parents. The sale is open all weekend to the public. Well worth checking out!
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