I wanted to take a brief moment to thank the businesses and blogs that are sponsoring A Beautiful Ruckus this month. They are the people who make it possible to keep writing fun content and still buy lots of diapers!. Please take a moment to visit their pages and see if you have a need or interest that they might be able to meet!
Salt and Light Photography is owned by the husband and wife team of Austin and Rachel Holt. They specialize in wedding, portrait, family, and boudoir photography. As one of the most affordable professional photography companies that I've come across, they make sure that each of their clients gets an edited CD of images with print release with every session....regardless of whether or not prints are purchased!
Kansas City Parents of Multiples is a local multiples group that focuses on providing real-time support to parents. The majority of the activity is centered on their free, private, multiples FaceBook page. Play dates, Mom's Nights Out, and Family Events are regularly offered along with plenty of friendship and support. It's free! All you have to do if you have or are expecting multiples is to ask to join the page!
Part director/theater junkie and all mama, Director Jewels is a lifestyle parenting blog. Julie, the author, writes about raising her toddler and newborn while still teaching acting classes and finding creative outlets for herself. Her blog has a little bit of everything!
Well, if you haven't heard of that crazy wrap thing, you should head over to
Kimberly's It Works! Wraps page! The wraps are easily worn under clothes while it tightens and tones the mid-section in only 45 minutes. "Like" Kimberly's page to get more information and be the first to find out about specials!
Moments that Take My Breath Away is another lifestyle parenting blog. Stephanie writes about raising her daughter and newborn son in Kansas City. In addition to writing posts about ways to entertain toddlers, she also writes a lot of reviews on the latest parenting products on the market. Feel free to check her out!
Thank you to each of these fabulous businesses and bloggers who are sponsoring A Beautiful Ruckus this month!
If you are interested in being a sponsor during the month of April, please feel free to check my Advertising Page and then contact me to discuss the details! Don't see what fits your needs? Just ask! We can customize a package perfect for you!
This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, please see my disclaimer page.
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