Monday, April 29, 2013

Our Meal Plan: 4/28-5/4

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We had one of those crazy busy weeks last week. Our meal plan kind of fell apart mid-way through as I was preparing all of the desserts for a wedding, and we had an extended family member pass away. You will see a few meals from last week that were moved to this week since we didn't get to eat them. Meal plans are wonderfully helpful in being prepared for the "What's for dinner?" question, but it's also okay to chuck them on occasion if necessary. Give yourself a little grace if something comes up!

If you are looking for some of the strategies that help us decide what to eat every week, make sure you check out our Meal Tip Series!

Sunday: Barbecue with Extended Family
Monday: Sandwiches and Chips
Tuesday: Spinach and Cheese Tortelloni, Biscuits with Honey, Corn on the Cob
Wednesday: Moussaka, Salad
Thursday: Blackened Chicken with Avocado Yogurt Sauce, Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoes
Friday: Lasagna, Salad, Italian Bread
Saturday: Leftovers

What are you having for dinner this week? I'd love to get some inspiration from you!


  1. You're so organized! I find that we eat leftovers more like every other day. I tend to cook pretty large meals because it's easier for us to eat leftovers than to make new meals every night. Do you use most of your leftovers for lunches? We do that to some extent, but my husband often has work lunches, so the leftovers don't get eaten as fast, which works for us. ;) Also, I'm your kids eat most of the meals you make or do you find yourself preparing separate foods for them?

    1. I love, love, love leftovers! I try to cook extra on some nights to give myself a break. In fact, last night, tonight, and tomorrow we are eating leftovers. Yay!

      Our kids eat the same thing we do for the most part. I might season the chicken a little less, or give them green beans instead of salad, but our general rule of thumb is that I'm not a short order cook. :)


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