Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What's I'm Into - September 2013

photo credit: kPluto via photopin cc

Want a little glimpse into my life? :)

Books I Read:
Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist: The first part of a two part series set in Texas during the 1890's. It's about a spinster trying to find a husband. I thought it was fun, and promptly started the second book (which I'm still reading).

Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey: Phenomenal book! I can't recommend it enough and highly encourage you to order a copy! You can read my review of the book HERE.

Books in the Queue:
Deep in the Heart of Touble by Deeanne Gist: The second part of the story about Essie from Texas.

Deeanne Gist books: I thought I was going to have jury duty this week (it was cancelled!), so I put three of her books on hold. I don't know if I will get through all of them, but they are piled on my nightstand right now: Maid to Match, The Measure of a Lady, and A Bride Most Begrudging

A Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans: She is coming to town to speak in mid-October about this topic, so I'd like to fit the book in prior to that if I can swing it.

Can't Miss Television:
Blacklist: All I saw was the premiere (because that's all that has aired), but this show looks amazing! I can't wait to see where it goes!

Movies I've Watched:
I couldn't think of any that we watched, so I asked Sean. He can't think of anything either. Does this make us boring?

Actually, we aren't finished with it yet, but we have "Witness" with Harrison Ford on right now. So far, I really like it!

Music I've Listened to:
Christian Radio and VeggieTales: depending upon if I'm driving by myself, or have a backseat full of kids!

Yummy in My Tummy:
Chewy Candy: Gummy Bears, Hot Tamales, or those candies that look like little slices of sugar coated fruit...I love them all! In fact, if given the option between chocolate or a chewy candy, I'll normally go with the chewy candy. Don't get me wrong, I love ALL candy, but there is something about the texture of chewy candy that I really, really enjoy!

Happiness is:
Naps. Seriously. If I can work doughnuts and a nap into my day, it's pretty much the best day ever!

What I'm Looking Forward to in October:
Our family has a bunch of fall activities lined up over the next month! A trip to a local destination garden, visiting a pumpkin patch, drinking fresh apple cider and eating fresh apple cider doughnuts at the cider mill, and random other fun things.

The leaves!! I'm in love with the colors of fall. After living in the Midwest for eleven years, I still can't get over the beauty of Autumn.

I'm linking up with What I'm Into at HopefulLeigh.
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  1. I have a couple of Deeanne Gist books on my wishlist now, thanks to your recommendations! :)

  2. The new show we watched was HOSTAGES--a family is held hostage in their own home until the wife, a surgeon, kills the President!

    Just finished reading a really good novel by Diane Chamberlain about social work and eugenics sterilization. The social worker and her client actually become friends once the social worker gets fired: "Necessary Lies." My review is up today.

  3. Your picture of apples lured me over from Leigh's blog :) I have a close friend with two sets of twins which isn't the same as quads but I know how lovely and crazy that is so I can somewhat imagine four! Donuts and naps, I agree. And I've read Rachel Held Evans (both books) and really enjoyed them both but don't miss out on her Monkey Town book if you haven't already read it - it was my favourite of the two.

  4. So glad you enjoyed Jesus Feminist! I can't wait for the world to read it. Someone told me I'd like Blacklist because I liked Alias but it looks way more intense than Alias so I'm not sure if I'll try it or not.


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