Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Meal Plan: 12/15-12/21

If you are looking for some of the strategies that help us decide what to eat every week, make sure you check out our Meal Tip Series!

Sunday: Popcorn and Peanut Butter Tortillas for the Kiddos, Homemade Turtle Cheesecake for Mom and Dad
Monday: Leftover White Bean Chicken Corn Chili (I've had some people ask for the recipe. Click the link, and it will take you there!)
Tuesday: Ham and Pineapple Pizza. (I'll be using our leftover Honeybaked Ham!)
Wednesday: Beef Tacos, Guacamole and Tortilla Chips (we didn't get to this meal last week)
Thursday: Chili (Sean offered to make a big pot! He makes the best chili!)
Friday: French Toast, Bacon, Eggs (I accidentally made pancakes last week. I have no idea where my head was, so this week will be French Toast!)
Saturday: Leftovers

What is on your menu this week? Leave me some inspiration!

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  1. LOL, dinner is cheesecake? Wow, I love how things work at your house! How do you do the peanut butter tortillas, just spread the pb and roll them up? My kiddo likes both of those things. It's nice when the hubby cooks for a night too. My hubby did twice this week and was very proud of himself :)

  2. wait. dinner? I'm supposed to be cooking? Crap. I don't have a plan. The kids are/have been sick. DH made eggs tonight. Guess i'll be grocery shopping tomorrow! Your chili sounds good!

  3. Sounds like a good week to be having dinner in your house. I love dessert for dinner!


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