Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two Steps Forward; One Step Back

sooo..... since the post this morning, Caleb and Abigail have both taken steps back in terms of their Canula time.

Their eyes are developing good. All four of them do not need to be checked again for three weeks.

Here are their weights:

Abigail: 4 lbs
Caleb: 3 lbs 15 oz
Elijah: 3 lbs 14 oz
Elizabeth: 2 lbs 11 oz

Everyone keeps wishing we would post more pictures on here. we would love to.... except we can't use flash and the rooms are mostly dark so it's kind of hard to take pictures.

posted by Sean


  1. One of these days this Roller Coaster is going to run right smack into a darling nursery in south KC and these babies will be sleeping and posing for photographs in their very own cribs.
    I can see it in my mind and feel it in my heart.

    In the meantime we hold you before the throne of Grace. May you both see Evidences of God's grace all around you every single day.

    You are loved. And underneath are the Everlasting Arms.

  2. That's totally ok! It's just a matter of time that they'll be on room air and then you'll be walking out that door with them. You're doing great and they're taking the time they need. It's definitely hard and I know through all the ups and downs we went through, it just allowed us to grow closer to each other and the Lord! Praying for your sweet family and for continued strength for each new day! Kami

  3. Ramona (from Los Tules)April 8, 2011 at 7:07 AM

    I prayed really hard last night for you and your family. I also shared your story with my family. I am so very glad that I had the chance to meet you and your family and hear your beautiful story. It still gives me goose bumps thinking about it. You are an inspiration to all women. I admire you, I admire your strength and your ability to take it one day at a time with your head on straight. The hour I got to speak with you and Sean was the best hour ever! God has blessed the perfect two people with not one, but four beautiful, beautiful babies. Congrats, and I am so excited to read the growth of your four angels. Also, What size diapers and clothes would you and Sean like to be bought for the babies? Have a great day and don't forget to kiss the angels on the cheek for me ♥♥♥♥

    With so much love,
    Ramona (Los Tules)


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