Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My Story Joseph and My Story David: Bible Sticker Books Giveaway

We are in the thick of the giveaways that I've lined up for you before Christmas! We have four left in the next two weeks. Hang on tight!

Today's giveaway is our monthly resource giveaway from Tommy Nelson: the My Story Joseph and the My Story David sticker books. How fun is that?!

They very kindly sent me four copies of the My Story David Sticker Book so that my kids could all enjoy the story and filling in the blanks with stickers. You know what that means! Group activity time!

The kids were all thrilled to get their own books. They share everything, so anytime they get to have something to themselves, it's a pretty big deal. I promptly had four little people curled up next to me on the couch so that I could read their new story aloud.

I really love the fun way that the story is written. It's highly accessible to kids and makes the story come alive. I think kids up to 6 or 7 years old would really enjoy the engaging story, and of course, the stickers!

Once we were finished with the story, we all gathered around the table to work on the sticker part. A section at the back contains two pages of stickers that can be used to fill in the blanks in the last part of the book. There are even extra stickers for use in other projects....or to stick all over the window, floor, and other books lying around....yeah, they took a few liberties with the stickers.
But even though the stickers ended up in a few extra spots, they kids really enjoyed getting to interact with the story of David!

If you would like to see inside of each book, you can click here: My Story David and My Story Joseph

You can find My Story David and My Story Joseph on Amazon for $4.49 each right now!

Tommy Nelson is sending one copy of both My Story Joseph and My Story David to one A Beautiful Ruckus reader. Please use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. Winning entries will be validated prior to announcing the winner with an alternate drawn if the entries cannot be verified.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The contest ends at 11:59pm on Monday, December 16th. The winner(s) will be randomly chosen and contacted by email on Tuesday, December 17th. The winner(s) will have 48 hours to respond to the email with their information so that the prize can be forwarded to them. A Beautiful Ruckus is not responsible for the delivery of the prize and is not responsible if the sponsor does not deliver. This giveaway is open to residents of the United States. A Beautiful Ruckus received complimentary item(s) for review in exchange  for hosting this giveaway from VeggieTales. No other compensation was provided.  This post may contain affiliate links. For more info, please see my disclaimer page.


  1. Those look so cute!! I'm not sure my youngest has a favorite Bible hero yet but he would certainly enjoy these books.

  2. I'd love to win these to give as gifts for my boss's kids.

  3. I don't have kids, but my favorite Bible character other than Jesus is Moses.

  4. How neat! My kiddo is 8 now, maybe too old for it but I will share about the giveaway so those with younger can enter! I just won on another blog a Tommy Nelson 365 day devotional for kids. I'm excited to start it with my guy (though he groaned, ha! Mom is always making him do stuff). I love that your kiddos were so excited about a book :)

  5. My daughters like Moses because we have one of those Holy Folks dolls and one of them went to get him and hold him when I read the story about the 10 commandments (although I did explain that this is who the story was about.)

  6. So far mine loves Noah and Jesus!

  7. My son really enjoys the story of noah.

  8. Right now he is a little too young to know, but he will be there soon enough. :)

  9. My kids are too young also to understand,but it will be Jesus Im sure !: )
    Desiree H

  10. David's favorite is David (go figure) and Jonathan is slightly distressed that there's no King Jonathan. I have tried to tell him that Jonathan was David's best friend and he was important too, but he's not quite buying it at this point. I think his favorite is Zacchaeus because of the song. :) They're both pretty fond of Jonah too.


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